omg i'm about to write my own takedown on how men need proof to mansplain away magic and came across this post on google. THANK YOU!!! linking it in my essay this week. just from reading this one piece, i have a feeling we might have a lot in common.... sharing with my community!

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Awww! Thank you so much for this! This felt like a super important piece to write but also a really futile one at the same time. Being seen means so much to me. <3<3<3

And yes as coaches with a bent for the magical, it seems we have quite a bit in common!!

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my community isn't massive by any means, but i'll share it in the newsletter anyways because it's a great rebuttal, and i know the right people will see it and find it validating!

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Sharing it with people who need to hear it and can appreciate where it's coming from is the most important thing! Community is a quality over quantity space <3

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"with my astrology practice, I can be more aware of it, more empathetic to those impacted by it, and more able to cope with the impacts of it myself. I can create my own empowerment, and help others do the same. With my birth chart in hand, I can write a different story than the one that patriarchy and capitalism have written for me." SO POWERFUL!!!!

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