Welcome & Welcome Back, Witches!
Before we dive in, just a quick thank you to the newest folks giving Witches Get Things Done 1:1 session a thumbs-up. Today I want to thank Jasmina, a professional astrologer and overall dope human who deeply connected with our session:
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Ok, now to the astrology. Today I’m exploring one of the biggest transits of the year: Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus. More specifically, we’ll explore one element of this transit that I’ve not been able to get of my head: the radical call to rest.
What am I waiting for? Let’s get to it!
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Rejuvenation Revolutionaries: Jupiter & Uranus
First, let’s get to know each of our players a little more and get a sense of what energy they symbolize in our lives.
Jupiter, as you will hear ad nauseam, is the planet of expansion. When we hear expansion we usually think of huge things, because, duh, Jupiter is generally huge. But really, expansion here refers more to expanding our understanding of the world around us. Jupiter represents the wisdom and understanding that comes from constantly getting outside of your comfort zone and integrating new experiences into your personal world view. It’s that kind of expansion.
Uranus is much more blatantly revolutionary as it rules breakthrough and innovation. The planet is often compared with Prometheus, the mythological figure who stole fire from the gods for mankind, upending the status quo between god and man, and earning himself eternal punishment in the process. Uranus represents this kind of unforeseen, sweeping change, and the often unanticipated consequences that follow.
When Jupiter and Uranus come together, there’s a real potential for new, expansive experiences to break down structures we’ve always taken for granted as “the way things are.”
Taurus’ Revolutionary Message: Laziness Does Not Exist
These planets, which have been in Taurus for a while now, came together towards the end of last week. As I discussed in my previous post, Taurus often gets the reputation of being lazy, when really it is just extremely discerning about what it commits to.
So, when I think of how Taurus energy might challenge us to reshape our worldview, one message stands out to me:
Laziness does not exist.
In fact, in a book by the same name, Laziness Does Not Exist, author Devon Price lays out the deceptively recent and manipulative history of the word. The concept of laziness as we know it has roots in puritanical ideal and served as the crux of a deterministic worldview. If you worked hard enough, the thinking went, you would go to heaven and your godliness would be apparent to your peers through your wealth and status. The converse was also true, if you were not apparently godly, if you lacked wealth or status, it was because you were not going to heaven, because you weren’t working hard enough.
And the roots of that thinking persist today. It’s comforting to believe that if we work hard enough, we can have all we need and most of what we want. Holding onto that comforting belief also demands at least some belief in the opposite: Anyone who does not have what they need, has not worked hard ‘enough’ for it.
And Jupiter and Uranus are here to help us expand our horizons and break down this paradigm. To leave the “grind” behind, if you will.
Does saying “laziness does not exist” mean we always take action when we want to or feel we should? No, of course not. But as we learned from Taurus inaction is not the same thing as laziness.
‘Lazy’ is a judgement we levy at others and ourselves to spur action through shame. Like the recent panic around ‘quiet quitting’ or the oft-repeated mantra ‘no one wants to work any more.’ These were society-wide judgements intended to shame employees into working harder and longer, for fear of being lazy.
The thing about judgement is it’s not the same as fact. Judgement is bullshit. It’s made up bullshit we put on ourselves and others, and it’s high time we cut it out.
The act of rest, Jupiter and Uranus want us to know, is revolutionary.
A Radical Call to Rest
This week I challenge you, dear reader, to rest.
Especially if acts of rest, like watching TV or taking a nap (gasp!) feel lazy, I challenge you to be as lazy as you can be.
Rest before everything is done. Rest with dishes in the sink and laundry undone. Rest before you feel like you’ve “earned” it. Call in sick one day this week and do nothing. Don’t play catch up and don’t work on a side hustle.
Watch a bad movie or sit out side (if it’s nice enough where you live). Take a bath and a nap. Read a book. And watch how the world carries on.
Whatever you do, don’t do anything.
And That’s All She Wrote!
She, of course, being me. I hope you enjoyed the read — I had a lot of fun writing it for you!
Reply to this email or leave a comment to let me know what you thought and these energies are showing up in your life. I love to hear your stories, plus every interaction really helps the newsletter’s visibility. 💜💜💜
See you all next Tuesday for more planetary fun and who knows what else!
PSST: Do you ever think about filling your life with more…magic? I have! And I’ve go all kinds of ways to support you in doing so, and I’ve cataloged them all here: